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Improvements to the F1 help feature

  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    Hello Polyphone users,

    In the current version of Polyphone, pressing F1 will bring up the documentation on your web browser. While this is useful in some cases, it can get a little annoying, especially when you are renaming instruments en masse using F2 and accidentally press F1.

    So, I propose some improvements to the "F1 help", allowing different options for how you want to get help.
    • Online Manual: This is the current behaviour, pressing F1 opens the documentation on a web browser.
    • Local Manual*: Pressing F1 opens a local copy of the manual in a Polyphone tab.
    • Disabled: Pressing F1 does nothing.

    *The local manual would be an optional installation at install time, or could be installed at a later date at the user's discretion (sort of like Audacity). If the local manual is not detected when the option is selected, an error message may be shown.


  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    very funny; a ninja player who accidently hits F1 instead of F2.

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