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Mute instruments in presets?

  • 18 0
    Message de ChokDK le
    It would be nice to be able to mute instruments in the presets with a click

  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le 1
    This could be a nice addition. However, in order not to make this interface too complicated, I would prefer to add a right click on the header of a section so that the option appears. 
  • Vienna SoundFont Studio, Viena, and Swami all let you toggle between hearing all splits in the current instrument/preset or just the selected split (acting like the "solo" feature in a DAW). I find this extremely useful as a designer and would love to see Polyphone implement something similar. I think this arrangement would be more useful than having to mute splits individually as the OP suggested, although I could see such functionality being useful as well.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Thank you for this idea. What I currently did (for the next version) is a menu that can be open with a right click on a section header and comprising these elements:
    • "mute" => mute the selected section
    • "unmute all" => revert all "mute" that we asked for
    We could think of another option "mute all but this".
  • By the way, how does Polyphone refer to sample assignments within instruments and instrument assignments within presets? I couldn't find a term used in either the software or the documentation. The original specification refers to them as "splits" or "layers", but the latest specification (2.04) calls them "zones". I've been calling them "splits" for a while now, but I think I will call them "zones" from now on to avoid confusion.

    Now onto my response to the topic:
    Rather than "mute all but this", how about "solo active zone"? A sound designer will frequently want to hear only the zone that is currently being adjusted, so having to solo-unsolo-solo-unsolo while moving from zone to zone might be unnecessarily clunky. It would be great to get feedback from other sound designers on this. Considering this functionality is present in all other SoundFont editors, it might be best to implement similar behavior.
  • I should also mention that the "solo active zone" option would ignore any "mute" settings while enabled.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le 1
    Here are now the options:
    • mute
    • activate solo
    • unmute all
    "Activate solo", if done in a preset, will also reactivate all divisions in the targeted instrument.

    Regarding the vocabulary, I used to say "division" but I'm not an english native speaker so maybe something else would be more accurate. To me a "zone" has generally less defined outlines so I don't like it, a split implies a hard "break" such as two different instruments on the same keyboard (but probably also true for division) and I prefer to use layer for velocity layers. So I tend to use division and section would be nice also. I may be wrong so don't hesitate to comment on this subject. I could also fix the english translation of the software and the documentation.
  • I think "division" is clear enough. Thanks again, Davy!

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